No one wishes to have an emergency tooth extraction, but sometimes life is full of surprises. Emergency tooth extraction is the best remedy for any tooth/teeth illness where no other dental health restorative procedure is possible. If you are in the Hawthorne area, we invite you to contact Ganji Dental for personalized and professional emergency tooth extraction services geared to transform your dental health entirely.

Emergency Tooth Extraction Overview

Tooth extraction is a dentistry procedure that entails the removal or extraction of tooth/teeth from their socket in the jaw bone. Although tooth extraction is common to some adults and teenagers at some point in life, an emergency tooth extraction need might come up when you least expect such an emergency. Adults commonly extract the last three molars, also known as wisdom teeth, to prevent any possible complications such as impacted teeth when permanent molars will be erupting above the gum surface.

Most people retain a family emergency dentist for their family dental health care needs because sometimes dental health issues require emergency services. For instance, when your son falls on the ground while riding a bike and cracks his/her milk teeth beyond repair, in that case, your family emergency dentist will come in handy to provide emergency tooth extraction services to your son. You will not face the hassle of finding a new dentist in this industry full of professionals.

If you accidentally crack your teeth beyond repair or maybe if you’ve got a decaying tooth that is causing discomfort, you must seek emergency tooth extraction services from a reliable dentist. Not every dentist provides emergency services therefore, you need to take your time to find a reliable emergency dentist who can extract a damaged or infected tooth.

There is no other dentistry procedure that most patients have dreadful thoughts about, like tooth extraction. There is a presumption amongst most people that tooth extraction is a painful dental practice. However, nowadays, with advancements in technology on this specialty of dentistry, this procedure has become comfortable and easy for a dentist to deliver the best services.

Every dentist will recommend tooth extraction as the best remedy to any dental health problem that is causing discomfort, especially when there is a bacterial infection. An emergency tooth extraction is a dental procedure that is undertaken by a dentist and sometimes even an oral surgeon. Any dental health issue, especially a bacterial infection, can have adverse effects on your general body health when the infection spreads to the adjacent teeth hence the need for emergency dental extraction services. In this article, we will discuss the general causes of emergency tooth extraction and what this dentistry procedure entails.

What are the Possible and Most Common Causes of an Emergency Tooth Extraction?

Whenever you feel the need for an emergency tooth extraction, it is because that is the best remedy to your dental health issue. Several factors can trigger the need for an emergency tooth extraction, but every patient has different dental health conditions. Below are the possible causes of an emergency tooth extraction:

Severe Tooth/Teeth Decay

When there is severe tooth/teeth decay, where no other dental health restorative procedure is possible, an emergency tooth extraction might be your only viable option to restore to your dental health. Severe tooth decay also knows dental caries affect the nervous system around the tooth, causing unbearable and uncomfortable pain, which makes a person feel the need for an emergency tooth extraction. If there are no emergency tooth extraction services, tooth decay can be very severe because it is a bacterial infection with the capability of spreading to the adjacent teeth.

Gum Disease

Gum infection disease has mild and slight symptoms, which makes many people assume the infection. When you experience redness and tenderness on your gums, you should seek the services of a dentist immediately. Failure to take care of your dental and general oral health as your dentist advises poses a risk of gum infection, which might require you to undertake an emergency tooth extraction in the future. Gum disease affects the tissue around the teeth hence making the teeth unstable due to lack of enough support.

When gum disease strikes, it is important to seek emergency tooth extraction services before the bacterial infection spreads to other adjacent teeth. To stay away from tooth extraction, you must practice good dental health practices, which means keeping your teeth clean and healthy to prevent possible gum or teeth infection.

An Abscess or Swelling Around a Tooth or Gums

When you experience an abscess or swelling around a tooth or gums, you should seek the services of a dentist immediately to establish the cause of the swelling. When the swelling is extreme, the dentist might need to conduct an emergency tooth extraction to establish the main cause of the swelling or abscess.

Tooth/Teeth Root Crack or Fracture

Your teeth/tooth root can crack when you get involved in a severe accident with an impact on your mouth area. Sometimes your tooth root can also crack when someone hits you with a blow when fighting. When a tooth root cracks, the tooth becomes wriggly and loose due to a lack of support, which poses a risk of bacterial infection if you don’t undergo an emergency tooth root extraction.

Impacted Teeth

The growth of extra teeth or supernumerary causes teeth overcrowding. Supernumerary teeth cause impacted teeth when other teeth try to erupt above the surface. Most adults who fail to remove their wisdom teeth early face the risk of impacted teeth when other wisdom teeth start erupting above the gum surface. When other wisdom teeth erupt, they get stuck beneath due to teeth overcrowding in that area hence leading to impacted teeth. You might need to undergo an emergency tooth extraction to create adequate space for the stuck wisdom teeth trying to erupt above the gum surface.

Traumatic Jaw

When you have a traumatic jaw causing a lot of pain, sometimes your dentist might recommend you to undergo an emergency tooth extraction to establish the cause of the trauma on your jaw. It is only by extracting the teeth or tooth around the painful area will the dentist be able to establish and understand the cause of the trauma and pain on your jaw.

Ganji Dental employs modern technology to make an emergency tooth extraction procedure smooth and comfortable. You will need services of a compassionate and experienced specialist who understand all your interests when it comes to dental and oral health care,

Symptoms That Show the Need for an Emergency Tooth Extraction

An emergency tooth extraction need will always reveal itself through distinctive symptoms that you should be able to notice. When it comes to your attention that you’ve got the following symptoms, you must consider seeking the services of a reliable dentist like Ganji Dental in Hawthorne California:

  • Extreme unusual sensitivity on your teeth/tooth
  • Painful gums
  • A bad odor in the mouth
  • Jaw swelling which makes it difficult and painful to open the mouth
  • Loose, wriggly or unstable tooth
  • Presence of pus or white fluid in the mouth
  • Teeth discoloration or darkening
  • Tooth pain

If you feel the above symptoms, you should notify your family emergency dentist immediately or consult with one for an emergency tooth extraction to prevent the possible severity of the infection, causing the symptoms.

Emergency Tooth Extraction Preparations

When you schedule a consultation with your preferable dentist, you must discuss with him/her all your dental and medical histories. Your prior medical history helps the dentist know the right medication procedures to undertake to avoid any possible complications. Also, if you’ve allergic reactions to particular types of medication, you should notify your dentist before beginning the tooth extraction procedure.

Depending on the strength of a patient’s immune system, age, and the severity of the infection triggering the patients to undergo an emergency tooth extraction, the dentist will administer antibiotics to prevent possible bacterial infection during surgery. Antibiotics help prevent bacterial infection when a patient is undergoing lengthy emergency tooth extraction surgery.

If you had any prior medication prescriptions, including over-the-counter (OTC) prescriptions or herbal medication, it is imperative to make your dentist aware of your medical history before a tooth extraction procedure, especially during a surgical extraction method.  Some drug prescriptions, such as ginseng, affect the normal clotting of the blood.

To prevent any possible pain during an emergency tooth extraction, a dentist will use anesthesia or sedation methods to make the patient relax. Anesthesia causes a temporary loss of awareness and sensation, which makes it easy for the dentist to undertake an emergency tooth extraction with less discomfort to the patient.

Most patients prefer to use sedation methods such as nitrogen oxide or oral pills to relax during an emergency tooth extraction. Note that, if you decide to choose to use any sedation method to relax during an emergency tooth extraction, you must find another person you trust to drive you back home because these sedative methods cause hallucinations.

Ways of Undertaking an Emergency Tooth Extraction

There are two known ways in which a dentist can undertake an emergency tooth extraction. The type of an emergency tooth extraction procedure a dentist undertakes on a patient depends on a patient’s underlying health problems and current dental health conditions, making an emergency tooth extraction necessary. Because every patient conditions and symptoms are different, a dentist can use any of the following ways to undertake a tooth extraction after an emergency tooth extraction consultation and diagnosis:

Simple Extraction

This type of tooth extraction is simple, just like the name sounds. After examination and diagnosis of your symptoms, the dentist will choose this type of tooth extraction method if the ill or damaged teeth/tooth is visible when you open your mouth. During a simple emergency tooth extraction, a dentist administers just local anesthesia to relax the patient. Sedation or anti-anxiety medications will not be necessary during an emergency tooth extraction because it’s a less complex procedure.

Surgical Extraction

Unlike simple extraction, the surgical extraction procedure becomes necessary if the patient has teeth broken below the gum surface or unerupted teeth/tooth, which are barely visible when a patient’s mouth is open. An emergency surgical tooth extraction procedure is more involved than a simple extraction because a dentist must conduct a surgery to extract an infected tooth/tooth or to treat a severely ill gum or jaw.

An oral surgeon or a dentist can perform an emergency surgical tooth extraction. Before an emergency surgical tooth extraction, a dentist will use sedation or anti-anxiety medications to relax the patient and reduce any possible discomfort that can interrupt this crucial procedure.

What Does Modern Emergency Tooth Extraction Procedure Entail?

Dentistry procedures, like tooth extraction, have become more comfortable and effective nowadays due to technological advancement, which has made a dentist work easier. When searching for a reliable dentist for an emergency tooth extraction, you must take into consideration his/her preparedness and availability of modern technology for an assurance of quality services.

Although traditional cutting instruments like dental drills and scalpels are still in use up to date during surgical extraction, the use of modern technology such as a dental laser is still advancing and growing to make tooth extraction more comfortable and less dreadful. A dental laser is a modern device that uses high energy and narrow rays of electromagnetic radiation/light to cut through flesh during surgical emergency tooth extraction.

The benefits of using modern technology such as lasers during an emergency tooth extraction are very many. Below are some of the notable benefits of using modern technology in an emergency tooth extraction:

  • Dental lasers are more precise when cutting compared to traditional cutting instruments like scalpels
  • During extraction, a dentist can be able to focus on the extraction site to avoid damaging the adjacent teeth or gums
  • There is less bleeding since there is no unnecessary cutting
  • There are more comfortable to the patient and the dentist as well during surgical extraction
  • Allows quicker healing of the tooth extraction site

Aftercare Tips for an Emergency Tooth Extraction Site

You need to be aware of how to protect the tooth extraction site for quicker healing and recovery. After an emergency tooth extraction, the dentist will provide you with a piece of gauze, which you will bite for about forty minutes to exert pressure on the extraction site to allow the blood to clot quickly.

Before the blood clots successfully, you may bleed a little and experience some dull pain and swelling, but it is normal after an emergency tooth extraction. If these symptoms persist or become severe after 24 hours, you should call your dentist for further advice.

The healing period after an emergency tooth extraction varies on different patients because of their underlying health conditions and type of extraction undertaken. After an emergency surgical tooth extraction, most patients will take around two to three weeks to heal fully. However, it will also depend on the patients' aftercare strategies. Below are tips to enhance and aid quicker healing of a tooth or teeth extraction site:

  • You should avoid rinsing your mouth before 24 hours after an emergency tooth extraction
  • You might also want to stick to a specific type of soft foods like mashed potatoes to avoid damaging the extraction site
  • Avoid hot foods, liquids or anything crunchy
  • Stick to your normal teeth brushing routine but do no brush anywhere near the extraction site
  • A dentist recommends using salty water to rinse the mouth after twenty-four hours to reduce chances of bacteria infection at the extraction site
  • Avoid tobacco smoking for at least one week after an emergency tooth extraction
  • Use ice packs to numb the skin around your cheek next to the extraction site when you feel pain
  • If you feel you’re getting better, you can reintroduce other types of dietary plans

If you follow the above dentist’s guidelines and instructions after an emergency tooth extraction, there is nothing that can prevent you from healing and recovering soonest. When you experience any unusual symptoms, you should seek a dentist’s assistance for a quick check-up.

Benefits of Undertaking an Emergency Tooth Extraction

Undertaking an emergency tooth extraction is a worthwhile dentistry procedure because you will not complain of a dental infection or tooth damage again. If a tooth has a bacterial infection, after an emergency tooth extraction, the dentist will administer antibiotics to kill the bacteria entirely for healthy teeth and gums. When the extraction site heals entirely, you can consider undertaking other dentistry procedures such as dental implant/crowning to fill up the tooth gap. The following are benefits of undertaking an emergency tooth extraction:

Faster Recovery

The sooner you seek a dentist's services after experiencing some symptoms of tooth damage, the higher the chance of treating the infection, which also means faster healing and recovery too because the infection was not severe yet. It’s reasonable when you come to think of it because failure to seek an emergency tooth extraction could make the infection worse with time, especially if it is a bacterial infection.

Reduces Risk of Future Complications

Ignorance is not a good habit when it comes to dental and oral care needs. Healthy teeth and mouth are very important for a healthy and good life. The sooner you seek an emergency tooth extraction specialist, the higher the chances of treating the dental infection fully. Delaying to seek emergency dental services when you experience symptoms of a tooth, gum, or jaw infection might make you prone to more future dental complications. An impacted tooth is an example of a dental complication which could develop especially to adults if they fail to extract their wisdom teeth early to create space for molars to erupt above the gum surface.

The Dentist Might Find Other Solutions to Save Your Tooth/Teeth

When you feel the need for an emergency tooth extraction, your prospective dentist will conduct a diagnosis and use X-rays to determine if an emergency extraction of the tooth/teeth is necessary. After seeking dentist services for an emergency tooth extraction, you might realize extracting the tooth is not even necessary because there are other possible dental restorative procedures you can undertake for a healthy dental system and better smile.

Top-Notch Tips to Help You Find a Reliable Dentist for an Emergency Tooth Extraction

No doubt, there are a lot of professionals out there, which makes it difficult to find an expert dentist with specific skills that you need for a successful emergency tooth extraction might be a little bit overwhelming because of the very many options available. To avoid the hassle of finding a reliable dentist for an emergency tooth extraction, you need to beware of some tips to help you narrow down your options for better and quality services. Below are tips to take into account when looking for a dentist for an emergency tooth or teeth extraction:

Schedule a Consultation

Before settling for any dental services, you must familiarize yourself with your prospective dentist first to get an impression of what to expect. During your first consultation with an emergency dentist, you should discuss with him/her all your dental interests and expectations. Prior consultation with your prospective dentist allows you to get an impression of his/her communication skills and courteousness for a comfortable relationship during an emergency tooth extraction.

Consider the Dentist Experience and Reputation

To avoid settling for mediocre expert service, you must take into consideration the length of experience your prospective dentist has been offering emergency tooth extraction services. A dentist’s skills sharpen with time as he/she handles patients with different dental issues requiring an emergency tooth extraction. Check your prospective dentist's website and pay attention to his/her past client's comments concerning his/her quality of services to get an idea of what to expect during an emergency tooth extraction.

Choose a Specialist

Not every dentist can perform an emergency tooth extraction. Seek recommendations from your relatives and colleagues who might have undergone an emergency tooth extraction before to help you find a reliable specialist. There are very many advantages that come with choosing a specialist for an emergency tooth extraction.

Find a Hawthorne Dentist Near Me

Ganti Dental has been offering top-notch emergency tooth extraction services to residents of Hawthorne with the help of dentists with the best skills for many dentistry procedures. For compassionate and professional emergency tooth extraction services, don’t hesitate to contact our reputable dentists at 310-643-8045.