Dental health is an essential aspect of the human body that should be observed to maintain the overall health of our bodies. Addressing misaligned teeth will not only give you a better smile, but also your oral health is greatly improved. Most people who have misaligned teeth are discouraged from correcting them because they only know of the traditional aligning methods, such as the use of metal braces. This is a different case when you seek our services at Ganji Dental in Hawthorne because we have modern ways, including the use of Invisalign, to realign your teeth and give you a new look.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is the use of clear aligners that help in repositioning the teeth during the treatment process. Invisalign is a new technology that has replaced the use of traditional metal braces, and most people seeking oral health are embracing this new technology. The good thing about the use of aligners is that one can remove them when doing their daily oral hygiene like brushing and when eating and drinking.

It is also vital to note that both young and adult patients can use this form of treatment since it has mild to moderate orthodontic concerns. Once aligners have been applied, most patients will embrace them because they offer a discreet, comfortable, and simple way of correcting crooked teeth.

A patient should note that not all orthodontic concerns are equal. Some patients have conditions that are at an advanced stage, and this means they need to seek specialized treatment and care from our able team of dentists. Our services are always accessible, and we work with those who have advanced orthodontic cases and organize skilled care for them. Invisalign is used to address the following issues:

  • Teeth that are overcrowded such that there is less room in the jaw for teeth to fit precisely and comfortably
  • Wide spaces between teeth. This condition happens when there is much space more than necessary, which is caused by abnormal growth of the jaws or when there is shifting of teeth because some are missing
  • This is when the upper teeth bite over the lower teeth
  • Mild relapse. This happens when traditional braces have been gotten rid of and also when some movements occur due to the relapsed teeth.
  • Crossbite where the upper and lower jaws are not in the same line. The result is that some upper teeth bite the inside of those on the lower teeth
  • It can also be used as an alternative form of treatment for some simple malocclusions like bite irregularities

Knowing whether you are a Candidate for Invisalign Treatment

Mostly, this process is administered to teenagers and adults who have issues in the formation of their permanent teeth. The process is only applicable to the two groups of people because they can faithfully follow the directions given when seeking treatment. Also, they understand when to wear the aligners every day and for how long, what to eat and what to avoid and also to communicate with the dentist in charge for follow-ups. It is important to note that if the treatment processes are not monitored well, the treatment process will be flawed.

Before you come seeking oral services from us, we recommend that you do your research well and ask questions on all areas that you feel should be addressed well before moving on with the treatment. All issues you have are well addressed to your satisfaction through the help of our orthodontist, and then afterward, you have the final say on whether you want this type of treatment or not.

The Invisalign Treatment Process

For this process to go on well as anticipated, there is a need to seek oral health services from a certified dentist. When you request services from us, our dentists evaluate the cases presented to them and create a treatment program. The treatment program includes:

  • A CT scan is done on your teeth
  • Using a Computer-Aided Design (CAD), the movement of your teeth is approximated
  • A review of the current treatment plan is done, and where possible, modifications are made
  • At every step in the treatment process, teeth are molded
  • Invisalign aligners are then made
  • Each aligner is worn for about two weeks

What to Expect?

Our team creates aligners based on every customer's needs. 3D technology is used to produce digital images of your teeth. Our specialized team will use 3D imaging technology to create accurate molds of the teeth so that they can fit precisely. These aligners are made using Smart Track materials, which are comfortable to wear and specifically designed to change your smile.

Transparent and removable aligners will help you address your orthodontic issues without irritating the gum tissues. A patient should wear their aligners for about 22 hours every day to achieve the intended results. We recommend that a patient should switch the aligners every one to two weeks during the treatment time. It is important to note that the length of treatment and the number of aligners that one is given will depend on the cases presented to us. Although aligners are recommended for use between 12-18 months, this duration is different from one patient to the other. Our dentists will explain all the processes involved in treatment when you visit our dentist's office.

Caring and maintaining of the aligners is an easy task. All you need to do is to brush them every night before heading to bed. Brushing aligners gently make them remain clean and fresh. The only way to prevent food particles from getting stuck in between them, we recommend that you brush your teeth after eating and before placing them in.

The Cost of Invisalign Aligners

Invisalign treatment sounds excellent so far, but the cost aspect is elusive to many. This is keeping in mind that most people know that the cost of a good smile does not come cheap. Also, this does not mean that the cost of having Invisalign aligners is way too expensive. Simple orthodontic cases will attract a price that is as low as $3,500. On average, the price is about $5,000. Before going for this treatment, it is essential to note that the cost will vary from one service provider to the other, while others will offer special discounts from time to time.

Additionally, when it comes to seeking services from Ganji Dental, our dentists will determine the total cost of treatment based on the specific needs brought to their attention. This includes the duration of the procedure and at the same time, the intensity of the condition at hand.

If you have a coverage plan, one should contact the service provider to find out whether it covers the cost of these types of aligners. Most dental insurance plans include a part of the initial cost and not the total amount. In case you have coverage that does not cover this form of treatment, have a budget in place to avoid financial constraints.

Financing options might be available depending on the choice of your dentist. If such plans are not in the covered, look for third party financing companies that have been enlisted to provide such services.

The other form of payment includes getting a plan through CareCredit, which gives patients a chance to make partial monthly payments on their dental treatments. The good thing with this mode of payment is that sometimes interests are not incurred.

Also, Invisalign cost can be paid using a credit card. Our organization accepts payment from a variety of credit cards.

If a patient is not sure whether to go on with Invisalign treatment, we recommend that one should first consider the overall benefits that one will get in the long run. Having a good looking dental formula will hugely boost your self-esteem, and this will improve your confidence. Also, when your teeth are straight, it is a clear indication that your oral health is at par. At the same time, you never know what your new look will bring you because that attractive smile you will acquire might get you a perfect job or your mate.

Therefore, this shows that your efforts to try and get a good appearance are not in vain, and it comes with other benefits in hand. Also, the costing aspect should not discourage you from having your dream look.

Benefits of Invisalign Treatment

The benefits of this particular treatment go far beyond having that beautiful smile. With Invisalign braces being clear and removable, the improvements on one’s dental formula go hand in with other health benefits, including reduced risk of tooth decay and gum diseases.

The American Dental Association notes that the straightening of crooked teeth goes to a great extent of improving the overall dental health.

Apart from making sure that crooked teeth are well-aligned, Invisalign treatment corrects abnormal bite functions — especially when the lower and upper jaw fail to come together. Where bite problems are left untreated for a very long time, other oral issues will start emanating, for instance, tooth loss, cavities, and difficulties in eating or speaking.

Widely spaced teeth can lead to periodontitis, which is a dental disease. This form of treatment makes sure that all the teeth are well-positioned, and this ensures that the gums will fit well around the teeth. A strong gum and one with well-organized teeth give your teeth a strong defense against any form of oral disease.

A dental health specialist in a publication in 2016 for Dentistry IQ, which is one of the online resources for dentists, underscored the health benefits of clear aligners like Invisalign technology. She continued to explain further that dentists have the sole responsibility of explaining to their patients the many benefits of properly aligned teeth.

As you read along, you will learn more about some of the many benefits of Invisalign treatment, which include:

  • Invisalign Digital Scanning
  • It boosts self-confidence
  • It is the answer to a host of oral issues
  • Designed for convenience and comfort

Invisalign Digital Scanning

Invisalign is manufactured in conjunction with 3D technology, which is a painless and non-invasive process that brings more comfort compared to other traditional methods. Digital imaging is less intrusive compared to other conventional methods like X-rays. Computer-Aided Designs for dental technology provide a proper treatment environment that ensures that patients do not experience claustrophobia feelings.

It Boosts Self Confidence

Evidence suggests that young adults can benefit from this form of treatment to boost their self-confidence. Dental issues like crooked teeth might affect their self-esteem because it makes them feel they are unattractive. During adolescence, teens who have no self-confidence are more likely to be influenced by other teens, and this might lead to depression.

In a report published in 2014, experts from the US government suggested that teeth and jaw abnormalities led to harassment and ridicule among teenagers. The result of this is that it affects their social relationships and mental health.

A survey conducted in 2014 found that 96 percent of a teenager in the United States were not happy about their smiles, and this affected their overall appearance. Nevertheless, 50 percent of teenagers who have embraced Invisalign treatment reported there was an increase in their self-esteem, and this is compared to a few numbers who were still wearing metal braces.

It is also very vital to stress that most young people are opting for this technology compared to traditional braces because they are not conspicuous. Furthermore, studies have proven that those who wear these aligners are less likely to suffer any form of bullying because of their looks.

It is the Answer to a Host of Oral Issues

Whatever your age number or teeth misalignment, Invisalign gives you the chance to showcase your self-confidence and always smile because you know that your oral health is on a top-notch. Invisalign treatment helps in fixing various oral issues such as underbite, overbite, overcrowded teeth, protruding teeth, and also gapped teeth.

Experts behind Invisalign technology, Align Technology, which is a United States global-based medical device company, notes that Invisalign is “the most advanced and clear aligning system in the whole world.” The cost of this treatment is almost the same as other forms of conventional braces, and nearly all orthodontic insurance firms cover it.

Designed for Convenience and Comfort

As the best alternative method of dental treatment to traditional braces, Invisalign aligners have become trendy across the United States for the very many good reasons.

These aligners make sure that your teeth are appropriately moved and positioned gently. All Invisalign braces are manufactured from medical-grade polyurethane resin, which is invisible and safe.

Invisalign aligners can be removed at any time, meaning you can brush your teeth and floss them usually, and this helps in maintaining and keeping a high level of oral hygiene. Conventional braces might pose problems, especially when it comes to removing food particles that are trapped in those brackets and wires. Trapped food might lead to tooth decay and, eventually, gum diseases.

Additionally, the other benefit of Invisalign aligners is that they can be removed when one wants to eat or drink and take part in various activities such as sports.

Aligners made using this technology have smooth edges, and this gives you a more comfortable moment when wearing them. They also help in providing much control when it comes to the process of straightening your teeth, within the intended schedule and regulated movement of teeth.

Also, Invisalign aligners are customized to fit your needs entirely in a precise and comfortable manner. Every particular aligner has a role during the treatment process in that they move the teeth slightly horizontally and vertically. They also rotate the teeth where the need arises.

In conclusion, you do not have to keep visiting your dentist every other time- every one month to six months is enough. Also, you will be able to see improvements in every step of treatment throughout the 12 months treatment period.

Invisalign Aligners Compared to Traditional Braces

It is a difficult decision to make between which dental treatment procedure to choose from when it comes to these two.

A patient needs to do their research well and involve an orthodontist to determine which methods suit them well. The method of treatment you will go for should be determined based on your dental condition. Although there are divided opinions between the two, first, you need to be informed before making the final decision. Invisalign may not be ideal for complex misalignment and other complex bite issues. On the other hand, traditional wires or braces are suitable for these types of malocclusions.

Even though traditional braces are not esthetically good looking compared to clear aligners, they have been improved, and now they appear smaller, efficient, and less visible. More than before now, traditional braces can still treat misalignment a bit faster than in the past.

In the discussion below, we will differentiate between Invisalign aligners and traditional braces. Based on these categories:

  • Color
  • Cost
  • Treatment duration
  • Maintenance
  • Follow up treatment visits
  • Effectiveness of Treating various oral issues


The other significant difference between these two major treatment methods is the costing aspect. For a patient to seek Invisalign technology, they need to pay an average of $5,000. On the other hand, traditional braces will cost one between $1,800 and $5,000.


When it comes to the color of removable aligners, they appear clear and invisible, while traditional ones are typically metal and silver in color.

Treatment Duration

The treatment time for using removable aligners is between 22 hours a day for 6 to 18months, and this will depend on your needs and dentist’s recommendations. For irremovable braces, they must be used 24/7 for two years hence taking much more time to yield results compared to the latter.


The Invisalign cleaning system is much easier because one only needs to brush and rinse the trays in lukewarm water every day. For braces, you need to clean them regularly when brushing your teeth. A water pick is recommended.

Follow-up Treatment Visits

Changing of aligner trays should be done every two weeks, and visits to the dentist should be done every 4-6 weeks. When it comes to braces, visiting the dentist should be almost every month.

Effectiveness of Treating Various Oral Issues

Invisalign is not always recommended for all oral issues, mostly those that are complex. Traditional or new lingual braces are suitable for all forms of treatment, including multiple facial and dental problems that require to be realigned.

It is evident that when it comes to comparing braces and aligners, the race is tight. Our patients should know that if they want to be self-conscious, Invisalign is the best option for them. It’s also desirable because you can remove the trays when you need to eat, drink, and also appear natural. Also, the success of Invisalign is entirely dependent on the beholder. Meaning that if you do not want to wear them, they will not work.

Invisalign Certification

It is very vital to note that not all orthodontists and dentists specialize in Invisalign. Align Technologies train dentists who specialize in removable aligners. According to statistics in the United States, as of April 2007, more than 20,000 general dentists have been trained on how to prescribe Invisalign and also have been certified by Align Technologies for better delivery of services to their patients.

Find a Hawthorne Dentist Near Me

If you are in dire need of correcting your oral health, look for our certified Invisalign dentists at Ganji Dental in Hawthorne, who are experienced and will explain the whole treatment process. The information given to you will help in making an informed final decision, and then treatment can go on as planned. Also, we ensure that we draw an informed treatment process that is tailored to your specific issues. Apart from giving you good oral health, you will have the freedom to continue with your normal daily activities without the many hassles that are associated with traditional and irremovable braces. Call us today at 310-643-8045!