Spanish scientists have possibly found a newer, more effective solution when diagnosing oral cancer of the mouth.*

Oral cancer of the mouth accounts for many cancer-related deaths every year, ranking in as the sixth leading cause of cancer.

Traditionally, dentists and other dental professionals would first detect signs of oral cancer of the mouth by the physical appearance of whitish or reddish lesions. However, to make sure this diagnosis was correct, a biopsy had to be performed on the tissue in question. This is considered an invasive technique, which then had to be sent in to a lab for further testing.

Researchers from the Biomedical Research Institute (IBI) located in Galicia, Spain have found a more innovative method involving a portable device that is able to detect and diagnose oral cancer on the spot without the need for a biopsy. It’s considered a non-invasive approach to accurately diagnosing oral cancer before the tumor or symptoms become visible.

What The Study Means

This new portable device is expected to substantially reduce costs and time required for accurate diagnoses.

It also provides a more objective approach as opposed to a subjective approach, where biopsy results have to be thoroughly examined by lab personnel. With the portable device, the results are shown directly after the reading where treatment can then be administered the same day.

The greatest part about this discovery is that it may also be able to be applied towards the diagnosis of other cancers as well, including cervical and skin cancer.

The device is still a long way off before being implemented in dental practices across the globe as further testing and trials are still being performed to ensure accuracy and safety.
