Have you been wondering or wishing to keep your teeth pearly white, but you don’t know what to do? Okay, you are not alone. According to recent studies from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, most people want whiter and brighter teeth.

It’s essential to consult a dental expert before whitening your teeth since whiteners may not be effective for all discoloration. For instance, yellow teeth will bleach well, while brown ones may fail to respond well. Again gray teeth may fail to bleach at all. Also, whitening won’t work on fillings, veneers, crowns, and caps. The whiteners won't also be effective when the discoloration is a result of tooth injury or medication.

Keeping your teeth healthy is part of your general home health care routine. But keeping the teeth white is also essential when you want to have a good impression and maintain a healthy smile. Unfortunately, several factors may facilitate staining, discoloration, and dullness. For example, a specific diet may discolor or stain your teeth' enamel, while plaque building up may cause teeth yellowing.

Ways to Keep Your Teeth Pearly White

Everyone likes pearly white teeth since it gives everybody confidence, especially when attending occasions like parties or interviews. You may apply several ways to whiten your teeth. However, the common and recommended methods by dental experts are:

  • Use Hydrogen Peroxide

The dental experts recommend using Hydrogen peroxide since it's a bleaching agent that helps whiten your teeth. In addition, it kills germs in the mouth. Toothpaste containing both hydrogen peroxide and baking soda can significantly whiten your teeth. Using toothpaste containing hydrogen peroxide twice a day whitens your teeth by 62% within one and half months.

Remember, using a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide may lead to gum irritation and cancer. Therefore, you want to use a low concentration of hydrogen peroxide and mainly as a mouthwash before brushing your teeth.

The safe range of hydrogen peroxide concentration may range from1% to 3%. Apart from using it as a mouthwash, you may prepare your paste which you will use to brush your teeth. The paste should contain hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Mix a teaspoon of the baking soda with at least two teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide. Brush twice a day for the best results.

  • Use Coconut Oil Pulling with Baking Soda

The method is effective in obtaining better results in a day. Coconut oil pulling is a tested and proven technique that eliminates plaque and bacteria, exposing brighter and whiter teeth. In addition, dental experts consider coconut oil as an organic antibacterial that also fights gum diseases. Usually, you need to place a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth, while in your mouth, swish it the same way you do with mouthwash. Ensure you do this for at least five to twenty minutes. Next, spit the oil and place the baking soda on your toothpaste and then brush your teeth as usual. The baking soda will help buff out stains in your teeth, thus whitening your teeth and giving you a bright look.

  • Use Activated Charcoal

Using activated charcoal is one of the cheapest and easiest ways dental experts recommend to whiten your teeth naturally. Firstly, charcoal cleans the dirt out of your teeth by absorbing plaque and other substances that could stain your teeth. Second, it is tasteless and odorless, therefore safe for your teeth. Using activated charcoal is advantageous since it makes your teeth cleaner, whiter, prevents bacteria growth, and removes the bad smell.

To whiten your teeth using activated charcoal:

  • Crash one charcoal tablet into a powder.
  • Pick your brush and dip it in water, then dip it on the crushed charcoal powder.
  • Brush your teeth using activated charcoal.
  • Leave the mixture on your teeth for four minutes before rinsing. Your teeth will become white after a few days.

However, don't use activated charcoal when you have a wound or a cut on your mouth. Again don't scrub the charcoal too much on your teeth to avoid destroying your teeth' enamel.

  • Use Turmeric Whitening Toothpaste

The use of turmeric whitening toothpaste is another way to achieve whiter teeth. The primary ingredients in the toothpaste include natural coconut oil, turmeric powder, spearmint essential, and droplets of peppermint. Remember coconut oil and turmeric combinations are a strong combination in removing plaque. Again, the two ingredients are anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Thus they will ensure your teeth are kept healthy and whitened. Remember, the results might not be noticed instantly, and that’s why you need to keep on practicing the exercise daily.

  • Maintain a Healthy Diet

Consuming a healthy diet ensures your body receives minerals and vitamins for white and strong teeth. Chewing crunchy fruits and vegetables with high water levels like celery, carrots, and apples may stimulate saliva production in your mouth and help do away with bacteria. So, they will assist in clearing bacteria from your mouth, thus preventing stains. Again, calcium foods like cheese and milk encounter acids in your mouth. Thus it prevents tooth decay and discolorations. Increasing vegetable intake significantly increases good health and facilitates good oral hygiene.

Ensure you drink plenty of water throughout the day. Water will help in washing away food particles in your mouth. In addition, water will help you chase away dark liquids like red wine and coffee. It only takes 30 seconds to penetrate your teeth, so drinking water after your dark drinks will be essential in removing the stains, thus ensuring white teeth.

  • Use Toothpaste and Powdered Milk

Using toothpaste and powdered milk is another method recommended by dental experts. Powdered milk is a sure way of making your teeth white and keeping them healthy. Powdered milk is rich in calcium and minerals. It also makes your teeth strong and healthy. 

Therefore, Using powdered milk is a cheap and sure way of making your teeth pearly white, although it sounds weird. It makes your teeth pearly white by removing superficial stains and any discoloration in your teeth.

To whiten your teeth using powdered milk, put your toothpaste on your toothbrush, add a little quantity of powdered milk to your toothpaste, then brush your teeth. Rinse your mouth properly after brushing your teeth. Brush your teeth at least twice a day. After a few days, you will notice your teeth are becoming whiter than they were previously.

  • Avoid Smoking

In addition to the harmful effects of smoking, the tobacco and tar found in the nicotine cause yellow teeth. So, if you have no reason for smoking, do yourself a favor and stop it. Not only will your teeth look brighter, but your lungs, heart, and breath will be healthier. The main reason to avoid smoking is that tobacco and cigarettes may stain your teeth. Smoking will cause stains, and the yellow teeth will hurt your general breath. As it applies to staining beverages, you want to brush your teeth immediately after smoking. By doing so, you will maintain healthy teeth as well as whitening them.

  • Use Strawberry Paste and Baking Soda

Using a mixture of baking soda and strawberry is another way recommended by dental experts to keep your teeth whiter. Strawberries contain malic acid utilized in several dental products to facilitate teeth whitening and help remove surface stains. Again baking soda helps eliminate discoloration due to its abrasive nature. So, the mixture of the two will ensure promising results in attaining whiter teeth.

  • Visit a Dentistry After Every Six Months

Visiting your dentist regularly is another way to keep healthy and white teeth. Your dentistry will clean your teeth more thoroughly than you do with your toothbrush. He/she will also check for signs of gingivitis, plaque build-up, and cavities. So, after cleaning your teeth, your teeth will look bright/whiter.

  • Use Essential Oils Whitening Toothpaste

Essential oils are natural tooth whitening toothpaste. You have to mix equal amounts of baking soda, spearmint essential oil, cinnamon bark, and coconut oil to create it. After mixing, use the toothpaste to brush your teeth twice a day. You will see how the paste contains a powerful toothpaste whitening effect.

The oils naturally draw toxins from both your teeth and gums, improving the appearance of your gums. In addition, it brightens your smile and prevents decay. Using the oils has no adverse side effects on your teeth. Essential oils whiten your teeth naturally, making you smile confidently.

  • Use Whitening Strips

The strips are an effective way of ensuring whiter teeth. Most dental experts recommend patients use the method since it's cheap before they decide on further treatment. Reach the strip one week before your wedding, first date, or interview.

Whitening strips are effective due to their whitening chemicals, mostly bleaches, and peroxides. The strips come as you expect, two plastic strips, one is for your top teeth set and the other for your bottom, and since they are affixed, the whitening chemicals will make a way into your teeth and remove the stains.

They are easy to use. Seriously, you only need to slap the strips on and wait for the recommended time and then take them off. Again, they will only take a few days of use before your teeth look pearly white. However, remember you are working with chemicals when using the whitening strips.

As you know, the trouble of using chemicals, they are chemicals. It means they may be troublesome when you fail to pay attention. For instance, several strips consist of chlorine dioxide, a chemical that may eat your enamel when left on the teeth for a long time. So again, there is a probability the strips will leave a problem of increased sensitivity post the process, although not ideal.

  • Take Care of Your Gums

As mentioned above, gums are the backbone of your teeth, and once you suffer gingivitis, your smile may look unhealthy. First, by taking care of your gum, your teeth will have a Centre stage. Ensure you brush them and floss daily. Again go for soft bristles since hard brush may be abrasive on sensitive gums, causing them to recede further. Ensure you brush your teeth gently but thoroughly. Apart from ensuring a bright shine, healthy gums will ensure general dental health. Remember, if you neglect your gums, your teeth may fall, and teeth whitening becomes the least you can expect. So ensure you maintain the health of your gums.

  • Practice General Excellent Dental Hygiene

Above all the recommended ways, maintaining excellent dental hygiene is critical for maintaining pearly white teeth. It means brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing it once a day, avoiding sugary foods, and regularly visiting your dentist or check-ups is a way of ensuring a brighter smile.

Remember to brush your tongue too. Bacteria may settle there and cause stains and bad breath. If you haven’t switched to an electric toothbrush, do it now. An electric toothbrush is more effective at removing stains on your teeth and keeping your teeth pearly white.

  • Consider NightTime Whitening Routine

After whitening your teeth, regardless of your treatment method, your teeth are more likely to re-stain. The reason is due to the act that the pores on your teeth are somehow open, thus allowing stains. Therefore you want to use your custom trays and whitening gel before going to your bed. By doing so, you will minimize the chances of staining. Again your mouth will rehydrate, meaning healthier and more effective teeth. If you opt for an in-office treatment, consult your dentist about the methods to nourish your teeth after the treatment. Dentists may recommend gel to reduce dehydration chances.

  • Rinse Your Mouth with Apple Cider Vinegar Once a Week

Another way to keep your skin per white is by rinsing your mouth with apple cider vinegar weekly. The liquid will do away with the surface stain formed in your teeth. Don’t use a lot of vinegar since the product is powerful. Instead, add one teaspoon of vinegar into one full glass of water. Take a sip of the product, swish it in your mouth for around two minutes, spit it out, and rinse your mouth with water. Since too much vinegar might harm your enamel, dental experts recommend you take it at least once a week. The product is fast and effective.

  • Eat Cheese and Strengthen Your Enamel

You cannot expect white teeth when your enamel is unprotected. The primary function of tooth enamel is to protect the soft and interior parts of the teeth. Keeping a solid enamel means your teeth will be guarded against abrasive acts resulting from chewing or biting. Again it may protect against acids and other agents which may erode your teeth. Cheese contains lactic acid, which naturally protects your enamel from erosion since it neutralizes harmful acids and facilitates saliva production. Also, it prevents the accumulation of harmful bacteria in your mouth. Lastly, eating cheese after snacks is beneficial as it counteracts sugars and any other harmful ingredients. So since it fights sugars and bacteria on your teeth, you will be able to maintain a healthy and whiter tooth because of cheese consumption.

  • Brush Your Teeth Using Baking Soda

Baking soda is one of the well-known ingredients used in making toothpaste. This is because it contains teeth' natural whitening features. Baking soda is a product recommended by dental experts since it whitens your teeth by creating an alkaline condition in the user’s mouth, thus preventing bacteria from thriving in their mouth. In addition, it helps scrub off stains from your teeth.

The product may not whiten your teeth immediately, but you will see the results after a short while. Most people prefer purchasing toothpaste containing baking soda. It's a fact that kinds of toothpaste containing baking soda whiten your teeth.

Toothpaste with baking soda is considered effective in cleaning yellow stains as compared to other kinds of toothpaste. Remember the toothpaste with a high concentration of baking soda will have a great whitening effect on your teeth. If you need to use baking soda to whiten your teeth:

  • Begin by purchasing it from the nearby store.
  • Mix two teaspoons of water with one teaspoon of baking soda.
  • Put a little paste on your brush, then clean your teeth with it.
  • Repeat the process a few more times a day for the best results.

Find a Hawthorne Dentist Near Me

All the tips explained in this article are good in ensuring you maintain pearly white teeth. However, as discussed above, the key to having whiter teeth is more of good maintenance than anything else. To keep your teeth healthy and white, you need to commit yourself to maintain proper dental hygiene and a healthy lifestyle.

You also need to consult your dentist before carrying out any whitening method. This is because several methods involve using chemicals, and they might have negative impacts when wrongly used. At Ganji Dental, our dental experts are more than willing to help you keep white pearly teeth. We serve patients seeking dental care services in and around Hawthorne, CA. Call us today at 310-643-8045, and speak with one of our dental experts.