Both veneers and crowns are dental restorative solutions used to repair your damaged tooth and enhance your smile. While they both have the same design and final appearance, they have major differences and work better in certain situations than others. To help you have a better understanding of the restoration method that can work best for you, we have compiled a detailed blog on how each of them works, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as their differences.

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are produced from thin layers of dental porcelain that are stain-resistant. Veneers are noninvasive cosmetic restorations and do not affect your existing teeth. Most people like to compare veneers to artificial nails because it is placed on your existing tooth and enhances its appearance. When veneers are placed on your teeth, they mask your teeth and enamel, giving them a better look. Dentists customize the design of the veneers for every patient based on the shape of their teeth. To prepare the veneers, the dentist will buff them away until it's about a millimeter thick.

There are different types of veneers, and each type is installed differently. They include:

  • Porcelain —   Anyone aiming to make small changes to their teeth or change their tooth color, size, and shep opt for porcelain veneers. Their benefits include:
  • They can last for 15 years if you take care of them
  • They are thinner than the other types
  • They have a natural tooth appearance
  • They are noninvasive, and you do not have to shave your other tooth down

Note that porcelain veneers are natural-looking and durable, which makes them expensive. They also require a specific paste to polish them, and they cannot be repaired if they break; you can only replace them.

  • Composite — Some patients prefer this type of veneer because they are affordable to many. They can also be placed in one session, so you do not have to keep visiting the dentist. Some other advantages include:
  • If you go for the high-quality composite veneers, they have a natural tooth appearance
  • They cost almost half of the porcelain veneers
  • They require very little tooth prep before installation

Note that composite veneers are pocket friendly, but they can only last for five years. Additionally, they are likely to chip, break, or stain.

  • Ceramic veneers ( No- prep) — This is also one of the most used and popular veneers. Most patients prefer them because:
  • They are durable
  • They can mimic your natural tooth
  • They have a natural appearance

Note that you will likely have tooth sensitivity for some days following the treatment, but it is normal and will only last a few days. Ceramic veneers also take a lot of time to create compared to the other types.

Remember that a veneer can only be placed on your tooth if you have plenty of enamel.

Overall Advantages of Veneers

  • They are tailored based on every person’s preferences
  • They can at times be used instead of braces or tooth whitening
  • They enhance your smile
  • They cover your smile zone at once


  • They are not covered by insurance
  • You will require several veneers at a time
  • They are non-reversible
  • They can be costly
  • Low budget veneers do not look natural, and their appearance is not as good

Why Do People Need Veneers? 

There are a couple of reasons why people and dentists choose veneers over other dental procedures. Some of these reasons include:

  • To cover up resin fillings that cause tooth discoloration
  • To cover discoloration and stains on a tooth caused by drugs or food
  • To correct white spots on a tooth that are caused  by fluoride
  • To fix teeth that are worn down by excessive grinding
  • To fix broken, cracked, or chipped tooth caused by injuries
  • To change the teeth’s size, color, and length.

Dental Veneer Procedure

When getting your veneers placed, the dentist will follow the following steps:

  • The dentist will first look at the tooth the veneer is to be placed on. They can use a digital scan or a mold and then use the image to create a veneer.
  • Before placing on the real veneer, the dentist will place a temporary one on
  • Once the veneers are ready, they will remove the temporary veneer and use special cement on the real veneers. They will then use ultraviolet lamps to harden the cement.
  • After the veneers are placed, you are required to care for them as your natural teeth

What Are Crowns?

Most dentists opt for crowns if your tooth is damaged and cannot be filled. When placed, crowns go over and around the entire tooth, reinforcing any broken or weak structure. They help add pressure to your tooth so that you can chew and bite normally with your tooth. In short, crowns are used to restore the tooth that is badly fractured, cracked, or decayed. Before placing crowns on your tooth, the dentist will reduce your tooth to a smaller size to allow the crown to perfectly first over it.

There are different types of crowns, and to determine the best option for you, there are several factors that the dentist will consider. These factors include:

  • The shades and colors around your teeth.
  • The size of the tooth that is displayed when smiling.
  • Your gum line and gum tissue position.
  • The function and location of the tooth.
  • If any signs of teeth are grinding or clenching to determine the crown’s material.

The Different Types of Dental Crowns

There are five most common types of dental crowns, which include:

  • Porcelain crowns fused to metal — Porcelain and metal are the most common materials used for bridges and dental crowns. To come up with the best restorative material, metal and porcelain are heated together, and the porcelain fuses with the metal oxides forming a very durable bond. When porcelain is fused to metal, they form a stronger crown than just porcelain due to the metal. They also form a natural tooth look, shape, and function.
  • Stainless steel crowns — These crowns are used to restore only the primary teeth. This means they are only used in kids after pulpotomy treatment. They can also be used when cavity fillings like amalgam fail to work.
  • Metal and gold crowns — These crowns are available in different colors and forms. Most people prefer them to other types since they are strong, they do not wear your natural teeth away, and they are resistant to fractures. These crowns are made from different types of metal like copper and gold. Unlike other crowns requiring your tooth structure to be removed before being placed, metal and gold crowns do not require as much tooth removal.
  • Cosmetic/ceramic crowns are made of porcelain and used to restore your front tooth. Porcelain is mainly used in dentistry to form dental materials that have some color, like cosmetic crowns. Ceramic crowns mimic your natural teeth’s shape, look, and function. They are commonly known for their durability and resistance to breakage or chip.

What Are Dental Crowns Used For?

Dental crowns are mainly used to:

  • Protect weak teeth caused by tooth decay
  • Holding together cracked teeth and restoring their natural look, function, and shape
  • Restoring worn down or broken teeth caused by excessive grinding
  • Supporting tooth with large fillings and less tooth structure
  • Covering teeth that are severely discolored

Crowns are also used in more invasive treatments like dental implants, bridges, and canals.

Advantages of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns have several advantages, which include:

  • They protect the tooth from cavities or cracks
  • It can be placed on only one tooth
  • Can be covered by your insurance policy
  • They enhance your teeth’s appearance as they protect the weak structure

Disadvantages of Dental Crowns

Although dental crowns have several advantages, there are also some disadvantages. They include:

  • They can only be placed on one tooth at a time
  • They are more invasive compared to veneers
  • Their metal base can be visible depending on the material and design used
  • They are used only when needed and not upon request.

Dental Crown Placement Procedure

Below are the dentist's steps when placing crowns on your tooth.

  • The dentist will use a digital scan or mold to view your teeth then use the image to customize a crown
  • The dentist will then place a temporary crown while waiting for the permanent crown to be ready
  • Once the crown is ready, the dentist will remove the temporary crown, replace it with the permanent one, and cement it.

What is the Difference Between a Crown and a Veneer?

Some certain features and functions make veneers different from delta crowns. The most common difference between a crown and a veneer is how they fit in the tooth and why you need them.

These differences include:

  • A dental crown covers your whole tooth, while a veneer is designed just to fit the front part of your tooth. This is why veneers tend to appear better and more appealing than dental crowns since they only display a less gum margin.
  • Dental crowns are 2 mm, and veneers are 1 mm, meaning crowns are thicker than veneers.
  • Crowns can last for life, while veneers need to be replaced after a certain period

What is the Similarity Between Veneers and Dental Crowns?

Although there are some differences, veneers and dental crowns share some similarity that includes:

  • They are both dental treatments used to enhance the functionality and appearance of teeth
  • They are both used to restore damaged, cracked, broken, or discolored teeth
  • When placed, they both match the color of the natural teeth apart from metal crowns
  • Both have a similar effect on your teeth, which is why it is hard to differentiate the two after they have been placed
  • After they are placed, you need to care for veneers and crowns the same way
  • They are both customized to fit everyone’s teeth, and they both need prep work on the original tooth before they are placed
  • They both take time to be prepared, and in the meantime, you will need temporary restoration placed with interim cement
  • Once they are both placed, you will need to go back to your dentist for checkups

What is the Cost Difference Between the Veneers and Crowns? 

Porcelain veneers cost around $925 to $2,500 per tooth, while dental crowns cost around $1,000 to $3,500 per tooth. Ceramic and porcelain crowns tend to be more expensive than other dental crowns. However, your dental insurance policy often covers part of this cost. On the other hand, veneers are considered a cosmetic procedure and are not covered under delta insurance. Whether you need a dental crown or veneer, your dentist will create a payment plan that will work best for you.

How to Care for Veneers and Crowns

It is important to ensure that you take good care of your veneers and crowns even at home. This will help ensure that your restoration and your natural teeth remain strong and healthy. Ensure you brush your teeth twice every day and be careful when on the gum line where the tooth and the porcelain bond, as this part can be affected by the buildup of plaque which causes tooth decay. Also, ensure you floss daily to remove any remaining food particles in your mouth. On top of at-home care, it is also important to ensure that you visit your dentist regularly.

Crowns or Veneers: Which is Best For You?

When Veneers Are the Best Option

Veneers are most appropriate for people with visible flaws in their teeth. It could be gaps, visible cracks, or discoloration on teeth. Veneers are more of cosmetic restoration and can help you improve your teeth’s look and give you a better smile. Since they are not placed on the entire tooth, replacing them is easier if they get broken.

Veneers are also strong and durable, making them last longer when properly taken care of. They are also a cheaper replacement for dental implants. If you are not confident or happy with the appearance of your teeth, veneers could be a better option for you.

When Crowns are a Better Option

Crowns are mainly used to fix broken, frail, or missing teeth. There are times when a normal filling cannot fix teeth grinding, root canals, cracked fillings, or tooth decay, and in similar situations, dental crowns are a better option. A crown is placed on top of your natural tooth and cemented, giving your existing tooth strength and pressure to function normally.

A crown can also be customized to fit and maintain your teeth’s original size and shape or give the shape you desire. A dental crown can last for eight years with proper care and maintenance.

Questions to Consider When Choosing the Type of Restoration that Suits you the Most

Below are questions to help you decide on the best restoration for you.

How many teeth need restorations?

Veneers are placed on multiple teeth simultaneously to achieve a better and more appealing look, while crowns can be placed on several single teeth. The number of teeth to be restored will impact the crown and veneers debate. Note that veneers are not recommended on the lower front teeth since they are vulnerable to chipping. Knowing the number will help you determine the type of procedure that suits you the most.

How much does it cost, and is it covered by insurance?

Although dental crowns are costly, they are covered by a dental insurance policy. Knowing the cost will also help you decide on the affordable procedure for you and the one that will not cost you much financial strain.

Are there extra treatments required?

Additional treatment means you have to pay an extra cost. It is important to enquire with your dentist if you need additional treatment like sedation, buildups, gum lifts, and color matching.

Are the appointments required?

Remember, time is money, especially when you have a lot of work. When you have work and dental appointments on the same day, it may cause inconvenience. Ensure you opt for an option that suits your schedule better.

You may also ask your dentist the following questions to get a better understanding:

  • Is there special care needed for the crown or veneer after placement?
  • Will I require a mouthguard?
  • How long will the veneer or crown last?
  • Will the initial cost cover any future adjustments?
  • Are there other options better than crowns and veneers?
  • How is the recovery process?
  • Is there any pain involved?
  • How long does the procedure take?

You may also ask your dentist to explain the two procedures to understand them better.

Find a Hawthorne Dentist Near Me

If you have a tooth or several teeth you need correcting, our experienced dentists at Ganji Dental in Hawthorne, CA can help you determine if you need dental crowns or veneers, or any other type of dental treatment. Whether you want to improve your smile appearance or your tooth needs to be restored fully, we offer cosmetic and restorative dentistry to give you a better and healthy smile. Call us today at 310-643-8045 to book your appointment.