Dental implants are a favorable option for the replacement of missing teeth. You can lose your teeth due to trauma, gum disease, and other oral health complications like tooth decay. Missing teeth not only impact your smile and appearance but can also have devastating effects on your oral health. When you consult your dentist seeking a solution for the missing teeth, they could recommend that you get dental implants.

The placement of dental implants is an invasive surgical procedure that involves the placement of an artificial root screwed to the jawbone and an abutment to replace the missing tooth. This procedure helps restore your smile and can help you avoid complications like teeth shifting and misalignment.

Like other surgical procedures, there is a significant risk of complications after dental implant surgery. These complications could impact your healing process and the outcome of the procedure. Understanding how to avoid dental implant issues is critical to ensuring you reap maximum benefit from the procedure.

The following are some of the steps you can take to avoid issues with your dental implants:

Seek the Services of a Competent Oral Surgeon

Undergoing dental implant surgery can be exciting. This is because your missing teeth will be replaced, and your smile will be restored. However, many fear the potential complications and how they can impact oral health and overall well-being. The first and most critical step to avoid issues with your implants before you undergo the procedure is to seek expert dental services.

Your oral health is a critical aspect of your well-being, and you should not trust it to anyone. A competent oral surgeon will properly assess your oral health and determine if this procedure is right for you. If you do not have enough jawbone density to support the implants, the surgeon will recommend and take you through a bone graft to avoid failure of the implants.

A knowledgeable surgeon will recommend undergoing treatment for patients with underlying oral health complications like gum diseases before the dental implant surgery. An experienced oral surgeon understands the proper procedure and preventive measures to take during the procedure. This can include the administration of anesthesia and disinfecting the surgical site to prevent the transfer of bacteria that could cause infection.

Working with a dentist with the proper training and understanding of applying your medical history to treatment saves you from future issues with your implants.

Keep Open Communication With your Dentist and Oral Surgeon

Dental implants are a desirable tooth restoration procedure that offers the outlook and function of natural teeth to individuals who have suffered tooth loss. Providing the right information and maintaining open communication between you and your oral surgeon is critical to the success of dental implants. The placement of dental implants is an invasive oral procedure.

This increases the potential for complications when the procedure is not done correctly, or all your health factors are not considered. Before you undergo the surgery, your oral surgeon will assess different oral health factors. This helps in determining your eligibility for the procedure.

In addition to the assessment, the surgeon will ask about your health history. This is your chance to disclose the presence of underlying medical conditions like heart disease and diabetes, which can impact the outcome of your procedure. If you allow the procedure to move forward without consideration of these conditions, the likelihood of implant failure increases.

If you have conditions like diabetes, open communication ensures that they are addressed before your implant procedure begins. Another factor that you must disclose to your oral surgeon or dentist is whether you are under medication. For example, if you are taking blood-thinning medication, your surgeon can recommend stopping it for up to two weeks before and after the surgery. This helps avoid excessive bleeding from the procedure.

Additionally, if you are allergic to anesthesia or other medications or materials used in the dental implant procedure, you must disclose the information to avoid potential complications. After dental implant surgery, you should look for signs of infection or other complications.

If you experience discomfort, pain, or changes in your bite, you must report it to your dentist. Early detection of potential complications can help prevent more severe issues with your implants. Common signs of dental implant complications you should look out for in your recovery process include:

  • Bleeding and inflamed gums
  • Receding gums
  • Loose implants
  • Loose replacement tooth
  • Swelling of the surgical site
  • Severe teeth and jaw pain
  • Pain and discomfort when chewing

Take the Medications Prescribed After the Procedure

While your oral surgeon will administer anesthesia before the dental implant surgery, you may experience pain and discomfort from the procedure when the anesthesia wears off. For this reason, the oral surgeon or your dentist can prescribe some pain medications. Pain management can also be done with over-the-counter medicines, which you should take as directed. If the pain after the procedure persists or becomes unbearable, you may be suffering from a dental implant complication. Therefore, seeking emergency care is crucial.

In addition to pain medications, your surgeon can prescribe some antibiotics to prevent infection. Since dental implant surgery involves cutting through your gums and oral tissues, there is a risk of infection. Infection of the dental implant can impact the healing process and increase the risk of failure. Therefore, you should pay attention to the medications.

If you experience the following symptoms of dental implant infection, you must consult with your dentist:

  • Bad breath
  • Icky taste
  • Throbbing pain and discomfort around the implant and jaw
  • Visible puss from the implant site
  • Loose implants.

Avoid Teeth Grinding and Clenching

Teeth grinding, or bruxism is a problem for millions of people. This habit damages the tooth enamel and exerts unnecessary pressure on your teeth. Dental implants are attached to your jawbone and are expected to fuse over time. This allows the replacement tooth to withstand the pressure of chewing.

Teeth clenching and grinding can interfere with the fusion process, causing your dental implants to fail. Additionally, excessive pressure can cause gum recession and other oral health complications. You can avoid complications with your dental implants by avoiding tooth grinding. You can do this by:

  • Reducing stress. Stress is a common cause of tooth grinding. Avoiding stressful circumstances can help prevent this harmful habit.
  • Wear a mouthguard. Tooth grinding often occurs during the night. Therefore, wearing a mouth guard to sleep can protect dental implants from damage.

Avoid Smoking and Use of Tobacco Products

One of the habits you must quit to avoid issues with your dental implants is smoking. If you are a smoker, your oral surgeon will recommend that you quit the habit even before you undergo dental implant surgery. Smoking has detrimental effects on your oral health since it causes issues like bad breath, periodontal disease, and tooth discoloration.

After a dental implant surgery, smoking and the use of tobacco products can have the following effects:

  • Slow recovery. The placement of dental implants is an invasive oral procedure that requires time to heal. Smoking can restrict the flow of blood to your jawbone and gums, which delays the healing process. The recovery time is prolonged, and the implant's ability to fuse with the jawbone appropriately is compromised.
  • Increases implant failure risk. Nicotine and other components found in cigarettes weaken your bones, making it difficult for the implant to fuse. Additionally, tobacco can increase the risk of infection, which in turn causes implant failure. If your implant surgery fails, you may need to undergo another procedure to correct the complications.
  • Increased risk of peri-implantitis. Peri-implantitis is a condition where the tissues around the dental implant become infected. Smoking can cause this condition, which leads to implant failure. In addition, smokers are more likely to develop periodontitis, which can cause further oral health complications.

Schedule Regular Dental Visits

Your visit to your dentist does not end when your missing teeth are placed with implants and you attain your desired smile. After your implant surgery, your surgeon will recommend that you make follow-up appointments and continue routine visits even when you have recovered. Some examples of how follow-up visits can help avoid issues with your implants include:

  • Early detection of potential implant complications. During your routine and follow-up dental checkups, your dentist will assess your implants to determine whether the integration process was successful. This could be done by ordering diagnostic testing like X-rays. If the dentist notices signs like loosening the implants, they can recommend correction surgery before you suffer further complications.
  • Address your oral health concerns. If you have any concerns with the feel and outlook of your dental implants, you can discuss them with your dentist during your routine visits. The dentist can perform further assessments to determine whether your observations are normal or cause concern.
  • Detection of other dental issues. Dental implants are used to replace one or multiple missing teeth. Therefore, you will still have some natural teeth left. Complications with the natural teeth and gums can impact the health and function of the implants. Visiting your dentist regularly after the implant procedure can help detect and treat these complications.

Protect Yourself from Injuries

After dental implant surgery, your mouth and oral tissues will be swollen from the invasive procedure. While you will have up to six months for the implant to integrate with the jawbone, the full recovery will take a while. After the artificial tooth placement and the procedure's pain have subsided, most patients will return to their normal lives and engage in routine activities.

One of the factors that cause issues with the healing of your dental implant surgery and compromise its outcome is trauma to the teeth or jaw. Any activity that causes injury to the jawbone can weaken the structure of the implants.

This can cause swelling, pain, and discomfort. Therefore, it is essential to avoid situations that could cause trauma to your head and jaw. Although mouthguards can protect you from some level of impact, severe trauma could damage your implants even with mouthguard protection.

Practice Proper Oral Hygiene

Maintaining good oral hygiene is critical to ensuring proper oral health and well-being. Most dental complications that cause tooth loss and warrant dental implants stem from poor oral hygiene practices. These could include tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease. While dental implants replace your missing teeth and restore your smile, your oral hygiene journey does not end there.

Proper oral hygiene practices are the best solution to prevent dental implant complications like infection and failure. Keeping your teeth and gums clean protects you from other dental issues. The components of proper oral hygiene include the following:


Brushing your teeth is the most fundamental component of good oral hygiene. The art of brushing begins as soon as the first tooth appears and should continue even when you have dental restorations. Dentists often recommend that you brush your teeth at least twice a day.

Brushing your teeth helps remove residual food particles that could attract bacteria and cause oral health issues. After dental implant surgery, your dentist can recommend using a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid causing injuries on the implant site.

Another tip you can explore for brushing your teeth is using fluoridated toothpaste, which boosts calcium for teeth strength and keeps harmful bacteria out of your mouth. If you notice bleeding while brushing your teeth, you may have complications with your dental implants and need emergency dental care.


In addition to brushing your teeth, you should floss regularly. Flossing helps dislodge food particles that are stuck between your teeth and gums. Although the tooth replacements for dental implants are artificial, flossing should be part of your routine. While bacteria cannot damage artificial tooth replacements, failure to floss can cause infection of the gums, which compromises the jawbone upon which the implants are anchored.

Since the flossing technique for your dental implants may vary from that of natural teeth, your dentist can offer instructions on the right way to floss.


Taking plenty of water is essential to ensuring the proper healing of your dental implants and avoiding potential complications. Water helps to wash away food particles and bacteria from your mouth. During the first few days after your dental implant surgery, your dentist could recommend avoiding brushing. This is to prevent injuries to the swollen gums and mouth tissues.

In addition to rinsing your mouth, taking plenty of water keeps your body hydrated, which is a crucial component in the body’s recovery journey. A dry mouth can harbor bacteria, which cause bad breath and other complications like decay of the remaining healthy teeth.

Supplementary Hygiene

While brushing and flossing are basic oral hygiene practices, you can explore supplementary hygiene to ensure your dental implants remain in good condition. Supplementary hygiene practices include rinsing your mouth with mouthwash and professional dental cleaning. Although brushing removes food particles from your teeth and gums, a thick film of plaque and tartar could form around your teeth.

Tartar and plaque cannot be removed only by brushing. Therefore, you may need to undergo a professional dental cleaning. During your dental cleaning appointment, your dentist can remove the bacteria and food particles from under your gums and prevent complications that could affect your dental implants.

Manage Systemic Health Conditions

Sometimes, your health can significantly impact the recovery and health of your dental implants. Conditions like diabetes and heart disease can affect the success rate of your dental implants. Diabetes compromises the body’s immunity and ability to heal. This could slow down the healing process of the implant surgery and cause infections.

Another condition that should be considered when undergoing dental implant surgery is osteoporosis. This condition weakens the bones and increases the risk of fracture. Since dental implants are anchored on the jawbone below the missing tooth, osteoporosis could affect the implant's ability to integrate with the bone.

Patients with autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus should be cautious when considering dental implants for tooth replacement. You can avoid issues with your dental implants by properly controlling these conditions.

Find Expert Dental Services Near Me

Undergoing dental implant surgery is one of the best options for replacing your missing teeth. Undergoing dental implant surgery can significantly impact your oral health. Not only do dental implants look and function like natural teeth, but the procedure is permanent and can last for decades. This ensures you do not have to deal with difficulties in chewing, recurrent pain, and a distorted smile.

The lifespan of your dental implants will be significantly affected by the choices you make before the procedure and the care practices you follow after the procedure. Many people assume that the work is done when their surgery is completed. Failure to take the necessary steps to maintain proper hygiene, follow the instructions of the dentist, and avoid habits like smoking can result in severe issues with your implants.

The first step in ensuring that you don’t have complications with your dental implants is seeking the services of a skilled dentist. At Ganji Dental, we offer safe and reliable dental implant services for all our patients in Hawthorne, CA. Contact us today at 310-643-8045 to book an appointment.